Popular 12 inch albums

Below you’ll find tables for various (standard) series – all with prefix (or sometimes suffix) P. The P stands for ‘Popular’ and wide range of styles can be found here, even some typical jazz albums, which should have prefix B assigned to them.


P 08015 LBand Of The Royal Netherlands NavyParade Of The Champions 195?
P 08024 L-Als Het Kindje Komt1958*
P 08043 LJan Corduwener and his Dance-OrchestraEurovision Dance Festival1960
P 08051 LVariousMy Fair Lady1960
P 08104 LLuis Alberto Del Parana y su Trio Los ParaguayosFamous Latin American Songs1956*
P 08106 LLuis Alberto Del ParanaTrovador Tropical1956-57
P 08114 LJan Corduwener and his OrchestraAmong My Souvenirs1956-57
P 08115 LRobert Stolz and His Viennese OrchestraStolz Plays Stolz1958
P 08125 LSemmartini StringsEmotions...1959
P 08138 LVienna StringsMasterpieces For Violin1958-59
P 08140 LLuis Alberto Del ParanaPara Mi, Para Ti, Parana1959-60
P 08409 LVariousDance To The Hits1959*
P 08 454 LVariousTanz Mit Mir 21962


P 77125 LJacqueline FrançoisMademoiselle De Paris1958-59?
P 77302 LJuanita Valderrama a.o.Ole! Flamenco1956-57
P 77304 LMichel LegrandBonjour Paris1956-57
P 77309 LVariousRendez-Vous A Paris1956
P 77311 LVariousBonsoir Paris1956
P 77314 LMichel LegrandLegrand In Rio1957
P 77341 LVariousCordialement Paris1956*

Germany, c. 1960-64 (?):

P 08 602 LHans-Arno SimonContinental Hit Parade1960-61
P 08 625 LBéla Sanders und sein TanzorchesterBrillante Tanzmusik1961
P 632 070 LJohn ColtraneDie Neue Welle Im Jazz1962-63
P 48 095 LVariousJazz Workshop Concert1964

France (08.000):

P 08.407 LLos ParaguayosFiesta Paraguaya1957?

France (77.000):

P 77.117 LGrand Orchestre et ChoersLes Cloches De Corneville1957
P 77.121 LVariousOscar Straus: Rêve De Valse1958
P 77.124 LGrand Orchestre Symphonique et CoersManon1958
P 77.127 LBarney WilenJazz Sur Seine1958
P 77.139 LSacha DistelDanse Part Chez Sacha Distel1959

Argentina (07600):

P 07684 LMarlene DietrichAyer, Hoy Y Siempre195?

Argentina (600 000):

P-630.577-LOrquesta Count BasieBasie

Colombia (600 000):

630 580 PLJoey Dee & the StarlitersDoin’ The Twist At The Peppermint Lounge1961-62
P 631 805 LBerenice Chaves y los Carlomonte, Luis Ariel Rey y sus Llanerosno title196?
P 631 807 LLuis Rovira Sextetono title196?
631 808 PLLuis Ariel Y Sus LlanerosArpas Y Guitarras196?


P 48 043 LDie StachelschweineBevor Es 13 Schlug1963

* An asterisk means the year of release has been confirmed.