
Check the links below for classical 10 inch and 12 inch albums. Among the records listed are some with traditional folk songs and a few other (merely) classical related items. All items listed have a prefix or suffix with the letters A, N, S, G, L or W. Opera and operetta music is often listed under Popular; these issues have a P in the prefixes or suffixes.

Standard series:

Page 1: 10 inch albums

Page 2: 12 inch albums (LP’s)

Dedicated series:

Page 3: Classical Favourites, etc. (10 inch)

Page 4: Classical Favourites, etc. (12 inch)

Page 5: Classiques Pour Tous (10 inch)

Page 6: Collection Disques-Spectacle (12 inch)

Page 7: Collection Trésors Classiques (12 inch)

Page 8: Documenta Musicae (Willem Mengelberg, 12 inch)

Page 9: Favourites-Series, etc. (10 inch)

Page 10: Favourites-Series, etc. (12 inch)

Page 11: Lees En Luister (12 inch)

Page 12: Mein Schönstes Wunschkonzert (12 inch)

Page 13: Mozart Jubilee Edition (various formats, links to a post)
All issues listed in this post, can also be found in other categories (when they’re in my collection).