– Minigrooves from Chile

The summer appears to be a good time for record hunting, which I have been doing both online and in physical stores. The most interesting items that I came across, are currently offered on eBay and because of the prices asked (over €800 each), I didn’t feel like buying at all, but interesting it is nevertheless, so I decided to pay some attention to these albums on my website.

It’s about the following albums:

Both albums were “licensed by agreement with Roulette Records Inc.”, which is remarkable as I’ve not seen any connection between Philips and Roulette before. This could have been a specific arrangement. Both records were released in Chile, though this is only mentioned on the Jimmy Bowen LP; the back cover reads “Philips Chilena S.A. presenta Jimmy Bowen”). Both are from 1960, so some 3 years later than the US originals.

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