Three more Clara Haskil 10inch records have been added: A 00752 R, A 00753 R and G 05334 R (a reissue of A 00752 R)

See also this post.
Three more Clara Haskil 10inch records have been added: A 00752 R, A 00753 R and G 05334 R (a reissue of A 00752 R)
See also this post.
Added today: scans of a peculiar album (in English: “When The Baby Comes…”), featuring pregnancy gymnastics for the soon to be mother – though the front cover shows the baby already. Included is a laminated insert with exercises and photos (the model is a non-pregnant woman!). Click on the front cover image below to see all images (including the insert).
Around 50 records, mainly classical 10inch albums, have been added to the website in the last week. No scans yet, just the album information has been entered.