Scans were added for Philips P 10052 R, a compilation 10 inch album, from the Popular Parade series. Click on the image below to see full size images and more details.

I haven’t been very active with the Philips website in the passed few weeks, but I’ve constantly busy with music in general, which includes buying more Philips Minigroove albums. I’ve hundreds of them to add to the website, but that will take a while. One of my returning activities at this time of the year, is looking back at the music I purchased. Way too much, is one of the conclusions that I must draw. But besides this observation, what were the best albums of 2022? Below you’ll find an impression of the records I consider to be the best purchases of 2022. Titles in blue link to a picture page.
Best Philips Minigroove albums (in alphabetical order):
Best jazz albums bought in 2022 (in alphabetical order):
Best non-jazz albums bought in 2022 (alphabetical order)