Popular 10 inch albums

Below you’ll find tables for the (standard) 10000, 13000, 14000, 600 000, 76000, 76.000 series, and more. Most are Dutch or German issues, the 76.000, 08.000 and 10.000 series feature French issues; the 8000 series features UK issues.


P 10001 RMalando and his OrchestraMalando’s Latin American Rhythm1951-52
P 10002 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time1952*
P 10004 RHotcha TrioHarmonica Hightlights1952?
P 10005 RKilima HawaiiansMusic Of The Pacific1952*
P 10007 RBand Of The Royal Netherlands' NavyMusic By The Marines1952*
P 10008 RDutch Swing College BandGems Of Jazz1952*
P 10009 RVariousSmall Combo Concert1952
P 10010 RJohnny MeyerAccordion Cocktail1952*
P 10011 RVariousWiener Schnitzel1952
P 10012 RVariousPopular Parade 11952*
P 10013 RDolf van der Linden and his Metropole-OrchestraString Serenade1952?
P 10014 RVariousContinental Cocktail1952
P 10015 RVariousSwing And Sweet1952
P 10016 RVariousSongs Of The South1952*
P 10017 RVariousPopular Parade 21953
P 10019 RJan Corduwener QuartetPlay A Simple Melody1953
P 10020 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 21953
P 10021 RVeres Lajos and his Hungarian OrchestraGipsy Souvenirs1953?
P 10022 RVariousPopular Parade 31953
P 10025 R3 JacksonsJacksons' Parade1953-54
P 10026 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea1953
P 10027 RJohnny MeyerSpotlight On The Accordion1953
P 10028 RVariousMusic For The Millions1953-54
P 10029 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 31953*
P 10031 RVariousPopular Parade, No. 41953*
P 10033 RSandor VidakFrom Budapest To New York1954
P 10034 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea, No. 21953
P 10035 RVariousWij Vieren Feest
P 10036 RMalando and his OrchestraLatin American Rhythm with Malando, No. 21954*
P 10037 RTiroler Holzhacker Bub'nAlpen Klänge Nr. 11954*
P 10039 RVariousTropical Memories1954
P 10040 R3 JacksonsJacksons' Parade No. 21954
P 10042 RDutch Swing College BandGems Of Jazz, No. 21954*
P 10044 R---Four Mighty Bronze Voices Of The Low Countries1954
P 10046 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea, No. 3
P 10047 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 41954*
P 10048 RVariousMusic For The Millions, Vol. 21954*
P 10049 RVariousPopular Parade, No. 61954
P 10052 RVariousPopular Parade, No. 71954
P 10053 RVariousRhythmic Ramble1954
P 10055 RJos CleberJos Cleber presents his Cosmopolitain-Orchestra1954*
P 10056 RVariousWij Vieren Feest, No. 2
P 10057 RMalando and his OrchestraLatin American Rhythm with Malando, No. 31954*
P 10058 RProf. Dr. G. StuivelingDichters Van Noord En Zuid1954*
P 10059 RProf. Dr. G. StuivelingDichters Van Noord En Zuid1954*
P 10062 RVeres Lajos and his Hungarian OrchestraGipsy Souvenirs No. 21954*
P 10064 RVariousMusic For The Millions, No. 31955*
P 10065 R3 JacksonsJacksons' Parade No. 31954*
P 10066 RDraaiorgel "De Arabier"Organ Grinder's Serenade1954-55*
P 10067 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea, No. 4
P 10068 RMarinierskapel der Koninklijke MarineHolland's Taptoe195?
P 10069 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 5
P 10071 RThom KellingFiesta Latina195?
P 10073 RPia Beck TrioMeet Pia Beck1955
P 10075 RVariousPopular Parade, No. 81955*
P 10078 RVariousJazz Behind The Dikes1955
P 10081 RVariousMusic For The Millions, No. 41956*
P 10083 RTiroler Holzhacker Büb'nAlpen Klänge, No. 21956
P 10084 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 6
P 10085 RWim SonneveldSsst, Wim Sonneveld Zingt195?
P 10088 RSandor VidakSandor Vidak At The Kurhaus-Bar Scheveningen
P 10089 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea, No. 5
P 10090 RBand Of The Royal Netherlands NavyNo. 3195?
P 10093 RVeres Lajos and his Hungarian OrchestraGipsy Souvenirs No. 31956
P 10094 RDraaiorgel "De Arabier"Organ Grinder's Serenade, No. 2195?
P 10095 RVariousTake Your Partner, No. 31956*
P 10098 R3 JacksonsJacksons' Parade No. 4195?
P 10103 RWalter Anton Dotzer, Academy Chamber Choir, Vienna Broadcasting OrchestraWien, Wien, Nur Du Allein
P 10110 RAkademie Kammerchor, Vienna Broadcasting OrchestraF. Lehar, R. Benatzky1954*
P 10113 RTrio "Los Paraguayos"Bajo El Cielo Del Paraguay1956*
P 10114 ROperettenchor, Grosse Wiener Operettenorchester, a.o.Nico Dostal: Ungarische Hochzeit, Clivia
P 10119 RLuis Alberto Del Parana Y Su Trio Los ParaguayosTropical Trip1956-57
P 10120 RRobert Stolz and His Viennese OrchestraFamous Viennese Waltzes
P 10122 RJuan Serrano and his Carribean Combono title1956-57
P 10128 RWiener Staatsopernchor, Wiener SymphonikerDer Vogelhändler (Highlights)1958
P 10132 RChor von Radio Wien, Wiener VolksopernorchesterDer Graf Von Luxumburg (Highlights)1958
P 10136 RChor von Radio Wien, Wiener VolksopernorchesterWiener Blut (Highlights)1958
P 10141 RCoimbra QuintetSerenata De Coimbra1958*
P 10144 RJuan Serrano and his Carribean ComboCall Of The Caribbean195?
P 10159 RSee "Continental Jukebox"
P 10170 RVariousMarching Through Europe1957*
P 10173 RVariousDrop In For Variety1957
P 10201 RKilima HawaiiansVon Südsee Und Prärie1953
P 10203 RKurt EdelhagenDance Parade With Kurt Edelhagen1953
P 10214 REmmerich Kálmán, Fred RaymondGräfin Mariza, Maske In Blau1954*
P 10215 RAcademy Chamber Choir and the Vienna Broadcasting OrchestraFranz Lehar, Selections From Two Light Operas1955*
P 10225 RAfred Hause and his OrchestraMidnight Party1957*
P 10300 RVienna Broadcasting Orchestra, Vienna State Opera OrchestraVienna Calling, No. 11952*
P 10302 RHorvath Laci and his OrchestraPlay Gipsy Play1953
P 10305 RVienna Broadcasting OrchestraExcerpts of Der Zarewitsch, Die Czardasfürstin1953
P 10313 RVariousAuf Der Almhüttn195?
P 10 351 REngel-FamilieVolksmusik Aus Tirol1960
P 10 354 RWiener SängerknabenWanderlieder Mit Den Wiener Sängerknaben195?
P 10403 RTrio "Los Paraguayos"Paraguayan Songs1954
P 10404 RRay ColignonDance With Me1955-56
P 10405 RTrio "Los Paraguayos"Paraguayan Songs, No. 2195?
P 10409 ROrchestre Musette CentreFarandoles Wallonnes195?
P 10420 RGrote SalamanderVlaamse Studentenliederen195?
P 10427 RRay ColignonDance With Me, No. 31956
P 10435 RRay ColignonRay Colignon Plays Non Stop Operetta1957
P 10437 RDigno Garcia and his Trio From Paraguayno title195?
P 10441 RRay ColignonArrivederci Italia1957-58
P 10442 RKoor en Orkest o.l.v. Francis BayTrekkersliederen195?
P 10456 RRay ColignonWelcome To Brussels1958
P 10600 RZarzuelaPasodobles195?
P 10902 RVariousJohnny Hoes Presenteert... - No. 2
P 10910 RVariousDe Vrolijke Bruiloft1959*
P 10912 RVariousTien Jaar Nederlandse Successen1959
P 10919 RWilly AlbertiPiove1959
P 10920 RSchriebl/HuppertsFeest Met Schriebl/Hupperts1959*
P 10922 RWim SonneveldSonneveld Zingt Davids1959*
P 10926 RVariousMusic For The Millions, No. 81959-60
P 10928 RHaags KinderkoorVrolijk Kerstfeest, No. 21959-60
P 10935 RVariousMusic For The Millions: Beroemde Nederlandse Kerstliederen1959-60
P 10938 R13 Koren o.l.v. Kees DeenikDat Ons Loflied Vrolijk Rijze1959-60
P 10939 RDutch Swing College BandThe Band's Best1959-60
P 10940 RDutch Swing College BandGuest Party1960*
P 10943 RPro MusicaHolland Zingt1960
P 10947 RHotcha TrioHotchas Go Latin1960?


P 13000 RAmsterdam Opera Choir, Radio Symphony OrchestraRegina Coelie, Il Santo Nome Di Dio Signore, ...
P 13001 RBenny Vreden en de MeisjesBarend Bluf No. 21957*
P 13004 RVariousWij Vieren Feest. No. 31956
P 13014 RDick Willebrandts and His StringsSweet And Lovely1957
P 13022 RKilima HawaiiansMusic From The Pacific, No. 2195?
P 13032 RBand Of The Royal Netherlands NavyNo. 4195?
P 13033 RVariousMusic For The Millions, No. 51957*
P 13036 R3 JacksonsJacksons' Parade No. 51957
P 13039 RChristine Spierenburg, Bert Robbe, Benedict Silberman and his OrchestraSouvenirs From Showland1957
P 13043 RWilly Walden en Piet MuyselaarDaar Zit Muziek In, Al 20 Jaar, Successen Uit De Snip En Snap Revues Van 1937-19571957*
P 13049 RTom Erich And His SoloistsFive O’Clock Tea, No. 7
P 13052 RJan Corduwener And His Ballroom OrchestraDancing Time No. 81957*
P 13060 RAccordeon-Duo Bex/MentenKom D'r In1958
P 13073 RGerry Lee and his VictoriansJolly Dancing1958
P 13075 RVariousJeugd In Actie - No. 11958
P 13081 RKoninklijke Zangvereniging "Excelsior"Lijdens- En Opstandingsliederen1958
P 13087 RMoody ChoraleJeugd In Actie - Rotterdam1958
P 13091 RJeugdkoor Inter-Nos a.o.Jeugd In Actie - Haarlem1958-59
P 13097 RPiano Peter and his RhythmEnjoy Yourself1959*
P 13099 RHappy RanchersThe Happy Ranch1960*
P 13401 RVariousCatchy Rhythms From Nigeria, Vol. 21960*
P 13506 RVariousOperetta For The Millions 11960
P 13510 RGrosses Wiener Operetten OrchesterDer Opernball (Highlights)1960*
P 13512 RChor von Radio Wien, Grosses Wiener Operetten OrchesterDie Dubarry (Highlights)1960*
P 13520 RVariousConcert At Home1960
P 13531 RVariousOpera For The Millions - Vol. 11960
P 14002 RJan Corduwener and his OrchestraMartini Cocktail1960?

600 000:

P 600 307 RMalando and his Tango-OrchestraMalando's Favourite Tangos1960-61
P 600 309 RVariousTien Jaar Limburgse Successen1960-61
P 600 310 RDutch Swing College BandRidin' High1960-61
P 600 311 RMarine Band of the Royal Netherlands NavyMarines On Parade - Beroemde Nederlandse Marsen1960-61
P 600 312 RVariousWe Gaan Nog Niet Naar Huis1960-61
P 600 315 RPro Musica, Sweet Sixteen, Baarns JongenskoorNu Sijt Wellecome1960-61

76000 (French series, Dutch pressings):

P 76000 RJuliette GrecoJuliette Greco Chante Ses Derniers Succès1952-53
P 76001 RPatachouPatachou Chante Ses Derniers Succès1954
P 76002 RHenry LecaHenry Leca Joue Ses Derniers Succès1954
P 76003 RLucienne BoyerLucienne Boyer Chante Ses Derniers Succès1954
P 76005 RMouloudjiMouloudji Chante Ses Derniers Succès1954
P 76008 RBill Coleman and his Swing StarsJazz At Pleyel1954*
P 76010 RPatachouPatachou Chante... Brassens1954*
P 76020 RJuliette GrecoJuliette Greco Chante...1954?
P 76024 RCatherine SauvageCatherine Sauvage Chante Léo Ferré1954*
P 76030 RPatachouPatachou Chante Aux Variétés1955*
P 76038 RHenri SalvadorHenri Salvador Chante A Pleyel1955*
P 76061 RGeorges BrassensNo. 1 (Georges Brassens Et Sa Guitare)
P 76062 RGeorges BrassensNo. 2 (Georges Brassens Et Sa Guitare)
P 76063 RGeorges BrassensNo. 3 (Georges Brassens Et Sa Guitare)
P 76064 RGeorges BrassensNo. 4 (Georges Brassens Et Sa Guitare)
P 76080 RVariousUne Nuit De Cabaret A Paris1956
P 76101 RVariousIn Paris Tonight
P 76406 RVariousCa, C'est Paris1957*
P 76412 RAndré Popp en zijn Orkest, Cruys VoorberghDe Ontdekkingsreis Van Piccolo en Saxo1957*
P 76429 RVariousLa Ronde De Paris

76.000 (French series and pressings):

P 76.005 RMouloudjiMouloudji Chante Ses Derniers Succès1954?
P 76.119 RMusique De La Légion Etrangère, Musique De l'Armée de l'AirHuit Célèbres Marches Militaires Françaises1955*

08.000 (French):

P 08.300 RTrio Los Paraguayosno title1957
P 08.301 RVariousEn Flanant A Luna-Park1958

* An asterisk means the year of release has been confirmed.